
* * * * More Shine * * * *
* * * * More Softness * * * *
* * * * Less Frizz * * * *
* * * * Less steps * * * *
After 2-3 washes,
you should notice the difference!!
The basis of the No Poo Method is not to allow shampoo to strip the hair of natural oils,leaving it dry and frizzy. Traditional No Poo requires a bi-carbonate wash and cider vinegar rinse. Some people swear by this, while others find that their hair does not feel clean enough.It is also time consuming to find the right dose of bi-carb and vinegar to suit your hair.
The Little Poo Method is an Easier Alternative to
The Little Poo method works on the the same principle of not stripping your hair. It washes out greasy dirt, while leaving some natural hair oil behind. Water and oil do not mix, that's why you need shampoo to wash away the hair grease.
When shampoo comes into contact with oil, it ‘wraps’ the grease into clumps that the water can then rinse away. The amount of bubbles indicates how much shampoo is leftover.

If you have a lot of Bubbles, you are using more shampoo than you need. The Aim of the Little Poo Method is to dilute the Shampoo until you only get a few bubbles on your hair, just enough to clean but not strip the hair dry.
It is important to use soft water for the Little Poo Method. Check your kettle for white fuzz (calcium deposits).

You will also need to rinse your hair in soft water, please see our DIY Tip about turning your shower head into a water softener. If not, you can fill a bucket with warm water and dissolve a teaspoon full of softener granules and use that to rinse your hair.

The Little POO Recipe
You will need 4 items:
1. your favourite shampoo (preferably silicone free) 2. water softener granules(only if you live in a hard water area) 3. an empty shampoo bottle (standard size, not travel size) or a squeezy bottle.
1. your favourite shampoo (preferably silicone free) 2. water softener granules(only if you live in a hard water area) 3. an empty shampoo bottle (standard size, not travel size) or a squeezy bottle.

4. argan oil (pure, not blended)

The Little POO instructions
Start by adding 1 spoonful of shampoo into your empty bottle and fill the rest with water.
Shake until it is well mixed and squeeze it into your hair.
Start at the scalp, squirt and massage it in, work outwards along the length of the hair.
Work it thoroughly, especially at the scalp and roots.

There should be a few bubbles and nothing more.
If you don’t see any bubbles, you will need to add a bit more shampoo,
if you see a lot of bubbles, use less shampoo. Rinse with water (use water softener if you have hard water).
Dry your hair with a Towel/T-shirt.
While the hair is still damp, rub some again oil between your hands.

Apply from the hair tip upwards.
Stop before you get to the root and scalp.
Stop before you get to the root and scalp.

Style as usual.