This is a super easy low-cal Vegan Milk Shake that will keep you full to avoid snaking between meals.
All you need are 3 ingredients, a banana, soya milk and cocoa powder.
An average Banana has 100- 150 calories.
2 teaspoons of Dry Unsweetened Cocoa power has about 25 calories.
1/2 a cup of Soya milk has 40 about calories
Add the Banana, Soya milk and Cocoa powder to a blender.

Pour in 1/2 cup of water.
Blend until smooth and serve in a tall glass with a straw.

A normal Tall Glass of milkshake has about 500-600 Calories.
Using a Banana + Cocoa powder tastes Great and is about a third of the Calories in a Normal Shake.